Dear All,

We are currently installing new exhibitions. We would like to cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition 'Me, myself, I dance too. Summer-Dream-Prélude to Hannah Arendt' which will take place on Saturday, August 10th at 12PM. On that day we will also inaugurate a new project on our facade: new horizon is a wave by Ewa Partum. However, in anticipation of this opening, we would like you to join us for our events: a lecture by Prof. Irmela on Hannah Arendt and Poesie (Wednesday, July 17th), a lecture by Prof. Thomas Meyer on Hannah Arendt and Franz Kafka (Tuesday, August 6th), and a film screening of Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt by Ada Ushpiz (Thursday, July 25th). On Tuesday, July 30th we will host yet another discussion in the cycle QUO VADIS, Kestner Gesellschaft? This time we will focus on the structures of financing. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!

Visit us

Goseriede 11, 30159 Hannover


Central Office
Kestner Gesellschaft
+49 511 70120 10

Patrons / Partners

The Kestner Gesellschaft is funded by the State of Lower Saxony. As a cultural partner, the NDR accompanies our exhibitions and events.


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