Guided Tours
Public guided tours
Thursday 6.30 pm (except parallel event)
Friday 2 pm (Lunch Break)
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 3 pm.
Tours are included in the admission price and last 60 minutes, Lunch Break tours 30 minutes.
All current dates can also be found under events.
Guided tours for curators and directors
Here you can hear from the experts and get first-hand information.
The other view
Friends of the museum with different professional backgrounds and life experiences guide you through the exhibition and explain their personal view of art beyond classical art education.
Special guided tours
We also offer exclusive special tours. We are happy to accommodate your wishes and provide information on the architecture or history of the building, for example. Special tours outside opening hours are also possible.
Special tours outside opening hours are possible.
Price per tour: 90 euros plus admission (4 euros p.p.)
School classes, day-care centres and student groups
The guided tour is free of charge.
Guided tours in English, Spanish, Turkish and Arabic
on request
Book your guided tour now!
Dr. Julia Meier
+49 511 70120 19